
We have always received professional support and service from Lee-Anne, and dealing with her is a
pleasure. She is always willing to assist and there is never a task too great or small for her.

Automotive Manufacturer

Case Study

The DTA partnered with the company and secured funding from the Merseta Retrenchment Assistance fund and delivered skills programmes to the retrenches, thereby ensuring that additional skills were developed amongst the learners.

This was a very rewarding programme.

The process was project managed by the DTA and included:

  • The application to the Merseta.
  • Meeting with the union and the retrenches to confirm the various training programme options.
  • Sourcing training providers.
  • Managing the tranche funding system and ensuring all milestones for funding were met and provided to Merseta so that funding would be released.
  • Assisting with stipend payments to the learners.
  • Finalising certificates and communicating with the learners to collect their competency certificates.
  • The DTA then also provided the learners with an opportunity to load their CV’s with our partners Drake International.

Whist retrenchment is a real and horrible reality for many in the Eastern Cape, the opportunity to learn and perhaps find another income source was welcomed by the company and the learners. This was a very rewarding programme.